A Letter to Husbands, Wives, Partners, Lovers, Roommates ….

As you go through your day of sheltering in place,
sharing a meaningful thought,
returning an affectionate look across the table,
feeling the touch of a hand on your shoulder,
passing the platter of food to the other,
exchanging pleasantries,
and, yes, perhaps a cross exclamation,
the sound of laughter following,
foot steps down the hall,
the invitation:  dinner is ready…
let’s play a game,
Hear this:

whatever you are doing right now,
I ask you
I beg you
take a moment
a moment to remember
someone, a friend,
a neighbor down the street,
an acquaintance across the city,
across the country,
wherever they are
who, you know, is all alone,
whose sheltering in place may have become
a time of endless hours,
a time of desolation:
Utter silence in the room,
in the house,
no one to share a spontaneous moment,
a moment of levity,
the comfort of a tender touch,
a smile across the table.

Remember what you share
all throughout the day
with those around you,
all that is denied to those
who live alone.

I ask you,
I beg you,
reach out,
write, text,
better yet, pick up the phone
and let the sound of your voice
fall into their hearts,
break the silence surrounding them,
offer assistance, food,
not just once,
but over and over again,
giving them the most generous gift
you can give :
your loving presence
in spirit, with your voice,
with your act of caring,
of listening,
of simply being there.

Think of the joy,
the anticipation
the one so alone will feel
at the sound of the telephone
breaking the silence,
the ding of a text,
or a long email,
seeing your smile on face-time
like a ray of sunshine
falling into the grey
of yet another day of being alone.

Take this moment,
one moment in your day,
let yourself be called forth
to rise beyond the limitations
of this illness
that has befallen our land,
and reach out,
bridge the distance
and simply say:  I am with you.
You are not alone….

© Renata Amedea Santerre  April 2020

Submitted by Daniel Booth with the author’s permission